Tuesday 27 March 2012

Tutorial Four - Film creation and posting - Occupational Transition

As part of our OT course our group made a 1 minute film with a digital video camera. We needed to choose and make a story involving a person transitioning from one occupation to another. And its impacts! We chose to depict an adult  person fully embedded in the corporate workforce who chooses to become a full time student.

We needed to create small scenes, then add them together to make the story. This involved getting suitable environments and props to film with, and obtaining and charging a camera. A tripod was required to help positioning and smoothness of camera shots. Once we had finished various shots, we uploaded them to Windows Movie Maker, and edited and ordered the shots. Our main editing involved trimming each shot and transitioning it to the next in the sequence. One of our group members added music as a final touch - I did not see how this was done, but I did learn a lot by participating in the editing process of the images.

Here is our film:

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